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Legal & Social Impact

Mission Statement

The Voices of Africa Social Impact Practice is a multidisciplinary group of professionals who are working to create systemic change in education, public health, public policy, sustainability, economics, and other sectors. The Practice Group will discuss unique approaches to building a more equitable world, seek pathways to cross-collaboration and co-creation, and support each other’s emerging projects/initiatives.


Practice Leads

Anjula S. Fofana

Practice Mentors

Kori Whisenant

Practice Members

Faith Ememodo, Latifa Mkwawa, Ireen Mwale Gondwe, Essence Hightower, Uche Juliet Igboanugo, Faith Onyinyechi Oshi, Hiwot Endale, Bezawit Yirga Alemu, Stephanie Leila

Next Meeting
