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Energy & Sustainability

Mission Statement

The Voices Of Africa Energy and Sustainability Practice will: - create a safe, nurturing, and collaborative space for young African women participating in Voices Of Africa to explore and learn about energy, climate change, and sustainability aspects impacting the continent. Men mainly dominate the energy space. - organize practice participants interested in and concerned about current and future energy, climate change, and sustainability aspects impacting the Continent, - allow practice participants to be introduced to, share, and learn about energy, climate change, and sustainability aspects involving the Continent from other participants, outside SMEs, or content sources, - share career advice and support for practice participants currently interested in or currently working in the energy, climate change, and sustainability sectors, - develop and distribute content through the Voices Of Africa platform to educate and inform the Voices Of Africa audience on energy, climate change, and sustainability aspects impacting the Continent.


Practice Leads

Practice Mentors

Purity Sylvia Ashkoe,

Practice Members

Otibho Edeke-Agbareh

Next Meeting
