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Mission Statement

The mission of the Education Practice within the Voices of Africa platform is to empower young African women by providing them with the resources, connections, and guidance needed to pursue education abroad. We aim to create a supportive network that links early to mid-career professionals with experienced mentors, fostering an environment where educational aspirations can be realized. Through webinars, one-on-one consultations, and ongoing support, we are dedicated to helping African women achieve their full potential and make impactful contributions to their communities and beyond.


Practice Leads

Elbethel Alemaw

Practice Mentors

Wendy (Nkari) Pierce, PhD, Joy Womble, PhD

Practice Members

Blen Eshetu, Dr. Wendy Pierce, Joy Womble, PhD, Meron Dessalegn, Elbethel , Eden Andom Woldetinsae, Faith (Adeyeoluwa) Ibitoye\, Maraki Mohammed, Misgana E. Woldemeskel

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