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Health & Fitness

Mission Statement

Our Health and Fitness Practice is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of African women by breaking down barriers and amplifying their voices through inclusive and culturally relevant virtual programs. We provide health and fitness guidance that respects African cultural practices, focusing on physical activity, nutrition, and mental health. Our approach includes comprehensive support to prevent burnout, strategies for managing stress, and achieving balance between personal and professional lives. We empower women through free educational resources and foster a supportive online community where they can connect, share experiences, and find encouragement.


Practice Leads

Meron Yeshewalul

Practice Mentors

Bbira Kafumbe, Joy Womble, PhD

Practice Members

Divine Iradukunda, Beariyam (Berry) Sisay, Tsega Woldemariam, MD, Toni DeVol, Rachel Macharia

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